Our office has begun receiving receipt notices and approvals for premium processing ‘regular-cap’ and ‘advanced-degree’ H1B cases filed for Fiscal Year 2009. If you have yet to hear anything or receive a receipt notice from USCIS, one tip would be to check with your bank to see if the check for USCIS filing fees has been cashed. If it has, that is an indication that USCIS has selected your case for adjudication.
Our office has begun receiving receipt notices and approvals for premium processing ‘regular-cap’ and ‘advanced-degree’ H1B cases filed for Fiscal Year 2009. If you have yet to hear anything or receive a receipt notice from USCIS, one tip would be to check with your bank to see if the check for USCIS filing fees has been cashed. If it has, that is an indication that USCIS has selected your case for adjudication.
For cases that were filed under the regular H-1B cap, we would like to remind everyone that USCIS has stated that it will issue receipt notices by June 2, 2008. If you have not received a receipt notice yet, that does not automatically mean that your case has not been selected for review. We expect that USCIS will begin issuing receipt notices (or rejections) for regular-cap H1B applications throughout the month of May.
As additional information becomes available, we will post it at www.bashyamspiro.com.