Temporary Acceptance of H-1B Applications Without Certified LCAs Ends March 9, 2010

Murali Bashyam

This is a reminder that the USCIS will no longer accept H-1B applications without certified Labor Condition Applications (LCAs) after March 9, 2010.  Prior to this date, USCIS was accepting H-1B applications with proof of that an LCA was filed, and would send a Request for Evidence (RFE) for the certified LCA at a later date.  With the filing period for the new H-1B Fiscal Year beginning on April, 1, 2010, employers should make sure that each H-1B application is accompanied by a certified LCA (among other supporting documents).

This is a reminder that the USCIS will no longer accept H-1B applications without certified Labor Condition Applications (LCAs) after March 9, 2010.  Prior to this date, USCIS was accepting H-1B applications with proof of that an LCA was filed, and would send a Request for Evidence (RFE) for the certified LCA at a later date.  With the filing period for the new H-1B Fiscal Year beginning on April, 1, 2010, employers should make sure that each H-1B application is accompanied by a certified LCA (among other supporting documents).

If USCIS revises any of these policies, we will make sure to post it at www.bashyamspiro.com.

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