Revised USCIS Forms and Filing Locations

Murali Bashyam

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) recently announced that a number of USCIS forms have been revised and their filing locations changed.   The changes are part of an overall effort to transition the intake of USCIS benefit forms from Service Centers to Lockbox facilities.  If you are about to file an application with USCIS, we urge you to first check the USCIS web site to see if your form and/or filing location has changed.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) recently announced that a number of USCIS forms have been revised and their filing locations changed.   The changes are part of an overall effort to transition the intake of USCIS benefit forms from Service Centers to Lockbox facilities.  If you are about to file an application with USCIS, we urge you to first check the USCIS web site to see if your form and/or filing location has changed.

We will provide updates on as they become available.

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