Firm Accepting H1B Cap Cases

Murali Bashyam

The first filing date for cap-subject H-1B petitions is a little over a month and a half away.  For Fiscal Year 2009, the first filing date is Tuesday, April 1, 2008.  Cap subject petitions received by USCIS before that date will be rejected. Petitions are filed at Vermont and California Service Centers, depending on jurisdiction.    Our office is currently accepting new cap-subject H-1B cases.  If this year is anything like last year, we expect a heavy demand for H1B numbers.  If you are an employer and wish to sponsor a worker for H1B status, please make sure to contact our office as early as possible.

The first filing date for cap-subject H-1B petitions is a little over a month and a half away.  For Fiscal Year 2009, the first filing date is Tuesday, April 1, 2008.  Cap subject petitions received by USCIS before that date will be rejected. Petitions are filed at Vermont and California Service Centers, depending on jurisdiction.   

Our office is currently accepting new cap-subject H-1B cases.  If this year is anything like last year, we expect a heavy demand for H1B numbers.  If you are an employer and wish to sponsor a worker for H1B status, please make sure to contact our office as early as possible.   

Please note that an employer wanting to sponsor a foreign national who currently holds H-1B status can do so (in most situations) without worrying about the H-1B cap.  Our office will provide periodic updates on the H-1B situation over the next few months as new information becomes available.  Please feel free to also check the ‘news’ section of our web site at for further updates.

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